4 Week Lovers
Oh mi goshhhh, I would give this 10 stars if I could. 1. The art is reaaaaally beautiful! Jaehee is super cute and super handsome, yes, I agree. Dojun has been throwing away a diamond (☆▽☆) 2. It’s kind of unique: with their relationship rn, it’s sad.. But it’s kinda warm and cute at the same time. It makes us kinda curious and impatient to see what’s the next move. 3. THE JOKES ARE GOLD LOL I’m living for it!!!! It’s funny, natural, and this manhwa seems not awkward at all.. (u know sometimes there’s an awkward BL that makes u think that the characters are so plain/seems so ‘scripted’ and excessive?) 4. Sexy. Hot. As. Hell. Love this so much. Probably my favorite manhwa after Semantic Error. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Aioi Focus
Delinquent, school life themed yaoi, beautiful art, personality gap?! I’M IN BITCH!!!
Ookami-kun wa kowakunai
It’s reaaaally cute!! There are ears... Tails.. CUTE
Makkurayami De Kimi To