Kamisama No Iutoori (fujimura Akeji)
"Ngl it's quite hot" -My horny teenage brain This whole series feels like twisted for the sake of being twisted, and there is no real enjoyment from that because anyone can come up with a twisted scenario. Still once your start it's hard to stop. The trap has already been set into motion, you've fallen for the bait of naked anime tiddies and now you're hooked with the idea that the next arc will be worse. It is worse. It's not watching your sister brutally smash your father's head worse, it's disappointing worse. Then you realise, it doesn't matter that the plot is getting worse, because you weren't reading for plot anymore. You continued reading to see several brutal mass murders because this made it look Hot. As. Fuck. Those sweet mass muders, didn't require plot but blood, brutality and a boner. Finally it hits you. This is porn.
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