Iki o Tomete, Ugokanai de
THEY MOVE IN TOGETHER DO YOU HEAR ME SOBBING?? Their relationship is so sweet I’m so glad that Souichirou waited until Kaname was ready to have sex with him ugh y e s
Kaguya Wants to be Confessed to: The Geniuses' War of Love and Brains
i really really love this manga. i love the character development and how it’ll suddenly get serious out of no where. kaguya and ishigami are definitely my two favorite characters. their relationship developed from him being scared of her, to the two of them actively searching the other out for help. and iino and shirogane’s friendship truly blossomed from their original awkward phase. there really isn’t a recurring character you can hate, unless you count kaguya’s family. her and shirogane’s relationship is so so cute, and i love them as a couple.
Star x Fanboy