mc is so fucking cute Holy shit I love him so much THIS IS SUCH A FUCKING ROLLER COASTER MAN I LOVR THEM BOTH SO MUCH AGRG4H4GG4VRV4HBRNK BUT THERES SO MANY MISUNDERSTANDINGS BC OF DOJAES CONDITOKN I don't care abt the other couple btw nah bc the amount of people getting mad at the mc for getting mad at dojae?? like he has good reasons to get angry, he's a bit emotional and sensitive which directly goes against dojae who has a hard time with emotions. like non of it was EITHER of their faults. they both redeemed themselves and have good reasons for being angry. it's just a matter of them clearing up misunderstandings, being honest and forgiving eachother.
Pop One's Cherry
I seriously just wanna punch the seme he's so fucking annoying Jesus christ THE AUDICITY TO TELL SOMEONE YOU JUST CAME ONTO TO PULL THEMSELVES TOGETHER GAGRGGRHRHHRHH
The Guy I Fell for Is a Wild Beast! -An Arrogant Punk Meets His Match-
Yankee no Tsuda-kun wa Seito Shidou no Masuda-sensei to Naka ga Warui
Aioi Focus
omg I was worried that he wasn't enjoying it but he was I'm so happy damn second story ruined it for me I think I over exaggerated last time it's just not my type
Sekai de Ichiban Kawaii!