Akunin O Nakaseru Houhou
As a teenager, Kayano found Takao beaten up in the park and asked Takao to tutor him. While being tutored, Kayano falls in love with Takao despite his terrible personality. Kayano's mother discovers he had hired Takao and forces Takao to leave thinking he was only after money. While apart, Kayano has been trading stock to make money, so Takao will accept him. They reunite when Takao returns to the house as a lawyer hired by Kayano's parents. But sadly for Kayano, Takao has a wife.
Ch.1: Soran has becomes interested in Tsujidou, the school doctor he always feels watching him. When, Soran stalks Tsujidou to his home, he discovers a boy, who resembles Soran, chained to Tsujidou's bed Ch.6: A doctor gets his son Keiri hooked on dissection. While the doctor and his assistant Tanizaki are making plans to take Keiri away, his wife will do anything to stop them Ch.8: While snooping, Nakashima discovers his teacher's disturbed interests of stalking and mutilation
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