Aisare Neko wo Hantoubun
it's a little complicated in the panels at parts as if they're not spread out far enough, like it could probably be 8 chapters instead of 5. it feels like the writing was very tightly packed basically. overall it's very sweet and nice. and lovely, I would have loved to seen a more drawn out story though with the individuals. Could've gotten some more backstory for all the individuals, between tatsumi and yoh, between asatoshi and sataoshi, get a spinoff for asatoshi. I'm glad it wasn't a love triangle and it ended up as a happy throuple, they also could've dived into that dynamic a bit more with some afterstory. Overall probably a 7 or 8/10 it's really good but could've been better with some better writing. the story wasn't bad at all though. Bathroom scene with tatsumi was also very rushed feeling. i know this was very jambled im reading at 2 am and my thoughts are everywhere sorry if anyone actually reads this lmao Development: 3.5/5 Plot: 3.5/5 Characters: 4/5 Art: 4/5 Final rate: 4/5 Very tightly packed, could've been spread out more; I feel like there could've been more chapters with more backstory, also a bit rushed but overall 8/10 would've been higher if not for the rushed and jumbled feeling. Poly throuple
Aishitagari W Darling
Development: 3.1/5 Plot: 2.4/5 Characters: 3.7/5 Art: 3.8/5 Average rating: 3.3/5 Personal Rating: 4~/5 Threesome + Incest.
Futarijime Underdog
Development: 3.8/5 Plot: 3.8/5 Characters: 3/5 Art: 4/5 Final rate: 4~/5 THERE'S APPARENTLY ANOTHER CHAPTER no double penetration Threesome
Tachi to Neko Docchi ga Ii no?
DOUBLE PENETRATION LETS GO my only complaint is i wish they talked about their feelings more and developed that backstory a bit more first. i like plot AND sex ya know? Development: 2.9/5 Plot: 2.9/5 Characters: 5/5 Art: 4.5/5 Final rate: 4.2/5 personally wish there was a bit more of a developed plot but that's just me 3P / Threesome + DOUBLE PENETRATION LETS GO 8.4/10
I Wanna Die Before I'm 30
Development: 2.2/5 Plot: 4.8/5 Characters: 4.8/5 Art: 4.8/5 Final rate: 4.2/5 Threesome - Rereadable Very good plot but development is lacking - Wish they would go on a date or something.
Triangle lovers
I like the original couples dynamic more than the coward who entered
Cumsqueezed By Two Naughty Guys