Jack200072's manga / #psychological(17)

Dead man Switch

Ongoing | Coinmint , Eise | 2019 released

I like it yet I don’t it’s confusing but there’s some plot I have a theory that he has relived all of this and he saw the guy die a couple times and the scars are what he got before he died… the throat one is scary to think about ch28

PLACEBO: Let's Play

Ongoing | Cuke Soap | 2023 released

Red Mansion

Ongoing | Guwol,Nanggaek | 2000 released
2024-01-09 20:10 marked

They both crazy I lowkey thought the parents were dead, and he was just gaslighting himself or so out of it that he thought they were still alive.

Sheep's Mask

Complete | Paskim | 2019 released
2024-02-01 22:18 marked


Ongoing | Sundal | 2019 released

wtf is going on so they kidnap him but the kidnapper is also held hostage? Hello?

Ormond tragedy

Ongoing | Fuku fuku kitchen (odashi) | 2022 released
2024-08-14 06:28 marked