Kimi no yoru ni fureru
10/10, MORI Moyori (もりもより), BL, shounen ai, drama, romance, disability, blind character, assassin/hitman, flashbacks/traumatic past, loneliness, reencounter, melancholy, beautiful art
Who Can Define Popularity?
9/10, Tak Bon (탁본), shounen ai, SOL, comedy, college/university, romance, slice of life, drama, past/flasbacks, rumors, rich ML, narcissist, multiple couples, GL subtext, interesting side-couples,
The Specific Heat Capacity of Love
9/10, Old Xian [Artist] / Moss [Writer], [Mosspaca Studio (幕星社)], OS, shounen ai, tragedy, drama, seaside, anthropomorphism, deeper meaning, beautiful art, sad,
Dear Gene
9.5/10, (Sequel), Title: Dear Gene (親愛なるジーンへ / Shinai Naru Gene e / Shinai Naru Jiin e) by AZUMA Kaya (吾妻香夜) / Hotama [Circle: Sanctuary] (ほたま [サンクチュアリ]), drama, romance, SOL, age gap, lawyer, college student, reunion, bittersweet, realistic, _ • Prequel: 'Rumspringa no Joukei' (The Scene of My Rumspringa):
Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu
OG, Ch. 28, MOKUMOKU Ren, shounen ai?, tragedy, supernatural, horror, drama, mystery, school, beautiful art.
9/10, MOKUMOKU Ren, OS, shounen ai, psychological, drama, childhood friends, crime
A Motherʼs Love, A Daughterʼs Prison
based on a true story
Lost in the Cloud