Isekai Yakuza Mofumofu no Taizaiki
This was cute but not my favoriteeee
Kitai Shichatte Ii Desu Ka!?
Okay, not what I usually read (big tiddie, thicc ass smexy uke), but it was very cute...
Same Bed, Different Dreams
This was adorbzz, seme and uke were sooo cute. The only problem I had with this is that it felt a bit one sided at first, as if though only the seme was enjoying the dressing up and stuff. But it was lowkey resolved in the end, so it was cute stillll.
All white night long
Please, Candy!
WHEN I TELL YOU MY JAW DROPPEDDD️️️ Sis I was not expecting him to be the top...but am I mad thoooo, NO
A Tough Alpha Wants to Be Loved -Cornered by a Young Omega-
Very cute, short lilll readdd Nah but this was from so cute, I wanna munch that alpha upppp and it was also very green flag aswelll
Blue Quicksand
Sokuochi Yarichin Yankee
Story 1 (Chaperts 1-2): So cute, delinquent with boobs had a choke holddddd on my heart. t The rings...THE RINGSSS. I understand the seme completely and I do not give him wrong for absolutely ravishing that man upppp. Def one of my favsss Story 2 (Chapters 3-4): So adorable, lived how the seme fell for the uke. Big tiddies to drive me wild. Big Idiot x Classy, Sassy Mannn Story 3 (Chapters 6): This was mad fyy too, but the lil manipulation thingy at the end caught off tf guard, iagl... But, still superrr sexy as well, I literally love these storiessss. This is getting 5 stars for the first couple only....
Chou to Hana no Kankeisei