Kawaii Hito (saitou Ken)
This was just too wonderful. I loved it with my entire being. WILL re-read. 10/10
Ichizu na Kare no Moujuu Sex Konyakusha ha Zatsurin Yankeee
This was so fucking wholesome, seriously! They're a great couple! He fell in love at first sight when he met them as kids and she saved him from some bullies. He confessed immediately, but she turned him down because she likes strong guys; this lead him to do all he could to match her ideal - going as far as becoming a wannabe gangster. He did it all with getting her to love him in mind. When they met again as adults, their parents had arranged their engagement, and he vowed to get her to fall for him. He loved her for all these years. Their feelings were requited as she fell for him and got engaged seriously, although it had already been decided for them. They got married at the end. It had a truly happy ending and it's worth a re-read in the future.
At This Rate, We Can't Be Best Friends
Maji de Osou kara
Short and sweet. Adorable
The Sound of Something New
Stunning art, but, WAY too short
Kyutto Musunde, Suki
So fucking sweet! I love it so far!
Sukinako ga Megane wo Wasureta
So fucking sweet and cute, it hurts!
Married Espers' Love Beginnings
VERY short.
Kimi Ni Koishitei Desu Ka.