Okay, this one is *much* better than Deserter. Don't get me wrong, Deserter wasn't bad; a lot of the stories on there were amazing, but the overall book wasn't at the expectations that I had. Uzumaki, however.
Uzumaki was beautifully done. The artwork is truly phenomenal; the character's facial expressions were so well done, very lifelike. Also, the story itself was very interesting. I wasn't Quite sure what was happening until the very end. I loved Shuichi, and the love between him and the FMC was so pure. Even the side character's stories were amazing.
The only gripe I have is with the FMC. Why on Earth would she stay in the town? Why wouldn't she insist on her family leaving with Shuichi when she had the chance? Maybe it wasn't very practical, but you know. Other than that, I'm excited to read more of Ito's work. <3