Hoshii Toki Dake, Suki na Dake
My Introverted Subordinate was the Number One 'Ore-sama' Male Escort for Women.
Hot, uncensored, consensual Same author as the saint/demon king story I love
Father Complex(Shu)
This was actually incredibly nice?? Damn. A non-creepy student/teacher relationship- because it WASN’T one, Rocco acknowledged Liam’s feelings and even returned them, but he put that aside because Liam was 18 and naive and he was a grown ass adult who knows right from wrong. And years later, when Liam has become an adult with experience under his belt and still comes back to reaffirm his feelings, Rocco can enter that relationship with a clear conscience. There was NO sexual assault in this, there was actual communication, a second love interest i actually felt for - Julien was brave and sweet and in any other scenario they would have made a great couple. It sucked but I also respect Liam for knowing that julien deserved better than a boyfriend who’s heart will always lie elsewhere. AND STEFANIE MY QUEEN, I love their friendship so much. It rings true honestly, and I adore that this time the fake relationship is mutually; beneficial and based in friendship - no one is being strung along or lied to. She’s fucking hilarious and I love her/ I definitely did not expect this to be so good and healthy. I don’t know why it doesn’t have a higher rating.
Soft and Squishy
Shucchou Host Nyu Boy
Hmm. For the most part I really liked this - it was by turns hilarious and emotional. I did think it ended kind of abruptly but that’s really my only complaint. I like that the boss was supportive and not a homophobic shithead.
Suki de, Suki de, Sukisugite. Zenpen