Heat and Love
Complete | Mo-an | 2019 released
Ahh fck i caught up. Hahahhah.. waiting for it to be completed before reading it again from the start... waaaahh
Ookami-sama no Koiwazurai
Complete | Tobi washio | 2019 released
Ahhh short but swweeetttt fuck gib me mooorrrr
Neko Neko Honey
Complete | NARAZAKI Souta | 2011 released
The comments showed they were annoyed by Ai being so jumpy in conclusions. 1st: he was bullied being a baby cat at that, and very emotional. he's the youngest too, so he's a bit spoilled. or spoilled to rotten by loving bros and parents 2. he is unaware of too much people normal, because of special conditions 3. he's new to the love thing okay? so he's not really sure how to identify his feelings yet. that's all. but yes As a cat lover it's too fluffyyy and nice for me.
The Crows Marriage