Unmei no Tsugai ga Omae da Nante
FUCK THAT GUY (literally) - BL edition 7/10
Man With Ghosts
This one is for the bisexuals. Finally some good fucking smut. Looks like there's potential on maybe going into deeper lore and emotional leaning but hope they don't go tryhardy and ruin the whole thing in the process (a good pwp can be good on it's own yk) still, intrigued for what the author will do. Hope good scanners pick up this (also, whoever uploaded chapter one: buddy answer your calls jeez) 7/10
The Boundary of Fragrance
Art is pretty and it's interesting, it's ABO so expectations aren't that high anyway
Into The Thrill
Edit: Accidentally saw spoilers for this but glad I did, damn this is fucked. Dropping before growing attached more and being fully disappointed --- The art is so captivating, and the plot is really interesting, I like a lot how morally gray each character is and how instantly the main character showcases his "asshole" tendecies (maybe not asshole but is refreshing contrast over how most BLs make the bottoms to be always victims with no wrong doings. Im really glad the story is really mature in that sense, even if it's toxic or heavy, is well done) Wished the creepy/suspicion over the main lead had extended further, feel like it was dropped rather too quickly. Also where's Jaemin? Hello? I feel like he just vanished. There was a hint that he was maybe taken care of by the ML but so slight I'm not entirely sure. Waiting for more!!
Lady's Parfait Time
I feel like this had potential but was really rushed and wasn't that enjoyable even when we had happy moments. Both on plot and BDSM stuff felt just done in rush. I'm not a knower about Dom stuff but I feel like it was thrown very abruptly at our faces and I might be a vanilla bitch but I don't personally enjoy it, specially when is mostly just being forceful and brutal. Jiho it's pretty good as main lead though, he's only 22 too so it would make sense him still not being fully confident or mature. I really liked the crossdressing, I was expecting maybe the author daring a little more about exploring deeply about gender but it was alright anyway. 4/10 The art is pretty but also has some stiffness and iffy moments that are distracting, specially some angles that just make it more noticeable. BTW, everyone just glossed over how Jiho's older brother was chill about showing his little brother his BDSM plays??? that was kind of icky, specially when he was still a minor and idk...is HIS BROTHER
Fucked by My Best Friend