A Trace of the Wonder
I used to pray for BLs as good as this one. Definitely has dark topics, adult/mature, maybe not the most perfect or healthiest ways of beginning a romantic relationship but in terms of plot, character's flaws, issues and consequently, actual development and growth, this story has done the best it could in it's own terms and world building. All of this considering how other BLs who also want to deal with trauma and ptsd, fail horrible to handle them, alienating characters, not actually making their characters grow or learn from mistakes, etc. In terms of nsfw, I'm grateful this story just BARELY dabs into few scenes without being brutally traumatizing or overused (yes, the bar is in hell) As far as i remember, there's definitely more action scenes, plot, than horny, which I appreciate given the nature of this story. I think the ending was so well done, adding bonus chapters perhaps ruins the way that last panel hits/pays off after being invested from the beginning. But I wouldn't complain at all if the artist wants to give us fan service or a "beach episode especial", just for shit and giggles.
The Hunter Wants to Live Quietly
Oh I love this shit already GIMME MOOOOREE
Man With Ghosts
This one is for the bisexuals. Finally some good fucking smut. Looks like there's potential on maybe going into deeper lore and emotional leaning but hope they don't go tryhardy and ruin the whole thing in the process (a good pwp can be good on it's own yk) still, intrigued for what the author will do. Hope good scanners pick up this (also, whoever uploaded chapter one: buddy answer your calls jeez) 7/10
Really interesting and captivating. So far, it has been mostly plot driven rather than solely focus in the romance, which i value, but I hope the author doesn't wait until 100chapters to give us a crumb of intimacy
Driver's High