Sunday's Consolation
very fun to read, mc/uke is a fun guy and i get him yea. seme is cool i guess i mean idrc about how the seme acts as long as in the end the couple is happy *cough cough* caesar...
Smyrna & Capri
oh im so ready for this bungalow uwu so hot look at these brother mother cukers// i was right. this shit is pretty good so far. omegaverse was unexpected tho lol!~// i fuckin love it lol ey//ITS !!!//
A Man Who Gives It All
i am reddy like freddy hehe love triang or 3sum? we dunno we duncare les go
Define The Relationship
lets see it man i heard this shit makes u blast through several brick walls so im reddy seddy and goeddy yessir hitmeup// i blasted through several brick walls and cried till i crid and life is just brighter and my complexion has been cured and depression is now not a concept world hunger is solved and my life is now forever changed i said this a year ago but really and i mean really i can die happy now.. (owari no seraph was good, it wasn't THIS good tho..) ah. Ah.AH
Love Jinx
once again, lets just see it. ill decide if its worthy of even worthrem, ore moare?// good worthrem, also the art is very nice i likey! our guy wongjooboo is a litle creizy in the hesd tho
Zenbu Kowashite Jigoku de Aishite
my my my... how. how nice. keep it up gals we got a fucktonnashiteagothurnyes so woohoo and hurra // changed it to 4 stars cus im not feeling it no more mb mb anyyways tstill good but i rlly have to save the five stars for the best of the best amman