Kazoku Ni Narouyo
"Chiaki and tsundere Kazuma, a long-term gay couple, reunite with their childhood friend Tomoe, who surprises them with her pregnancy. Despite their frustration at her carefree attitude, they support her through the birth. Just as they think she’s adjusting to motherhood, Tomoe tearfully asks, “Take care of her for me...!”'
Itsuka Tomodachi Ja Nakunaru To Shite Mo
"Two best friends learn to love one another. Tomo has trouble keeping his feelings for Shuuhei under wraps because he doesn't want to ruin the friendship they have. Meanwhile, Shuuhei is doing his best to not to worry Tomo and make him cry." MAN what a lovely story.
Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai
"College roommates Aki and Haru navigate life's challenges through the simple joy of cooking, sharing seasonal dishes and heartwarming moments with friends as they bond over affordable homemade meals." PERFECT comforting slice of life. THEY CHERISH EACH OTHER SO MUCH (even though the confession takes time). Perfect example of how love doesn't need a label, but can simply undeniably exist between two people in what they do for each other.
Yamada To Shounen
"On Christmas night, 26-year-old Yamada finds a drunk, crying high school boy and takes him in. The boy is struggling with his feelings for someone of the same sex." It explores themes in a sensitive manner. A very solid read.
Negative-kun To Positive-kun
"Extremely negative Fujiwara-kun and overly positive Tachibana-kun are... a couple. While eating lunch hand-in-hand, they have their dates." What darlings! Their relationship is so, so beautiful.
Hidamari ga Kikoeru
Hearing impaired.
Kyou, Aitsu (♂) ni Kyunto Shite Shimaimashita...!!
CH. 12: Cute archery story
Sukebe no Seishun