Saiaku no Jinsei
"Kawashima is a 3rd year highschool student who's always had a shitty life. He has a violent personality so people constantly misjudge him and his actions. One day he meets Sayama, a 1st year who's good at everything but has zero ambitions in life. Thanks to his easygoing personality, he becomes the only person who's ever tried to understand Kawashima. These two will have a huge impact on each other's lives." 5 stars for the 2nd story (kind of ignoring the first one). I really love how genuine it feels. (^^)
Far from Romance
"In high school, Arata fell for a British girl. A salaryman now, he's reunited with that person, but they're actually a man...?" LOOOVE this author and their art. A natural flow, and felt very down to Earth and authentic.
Ore no Aoharu wa Watasanai
"Subaru, the school's "cool prince," hides his love for shoujo manga and dreams of being the perfect protagonist. His plans unravel when Jinnai, the only one who knows his secret, transfers into his class. Now, Subaru's heart races like a shoujo heroine's every time Jinnai is close!"
Sakura-kun’s First Love Blooms in a Summer Hue
"Hare, a shut-in since quitting his job, spends his days in gloom. His lively childhood friend, Sakura, an adventurer traveling the world, suddenly returns, bringing a spark to Hare's somber life."
Umibe no Etranger
Musubime wo Hodoitara
"At a pub, Nishina reunites with Hase, a tea ceremony practitioner he admired as a child, and their connection deepens as they navigate love and tradition through the tea ceremony." SOOO CUTE. Interesting concept too, a nice blend with the comforting simplicity of the romance.
See you later, Mermaid