I'm satisfied with this!! I'm happy asf Chiwoo didn't forgive him and thought of Kyujin's feelings 333
I'm happy with Jihyun's glow up, but it doesn't justify the things he had done back then. I hope atleast he will find peace somehow and leave Chiwoo alone as planned. Good for him for marrying someone else, but I don't wish him happiness in any accordance at all.
I'm very very HAPPY for Chiwoo and Kyujin :333
I love them both very much, and I'm super duper happy they ended up together!!!
The side "what if" is quite interesting but I could really not care less :"// I personally like it though,, but if the au continues on I hope Jihyun in that au would atleast know his limits and feelings of Chiwoo. (Not saying I ship them,specifically bro should atleast show his improvements in that au,yk...)
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