Tears, literal tears falling out of my eyes when I tell you, this was adorable, but with the same time so complicated and evil!!! This comic explored a lot of darker themes than usual with alcoholism, abusiveness and generally a lot of manipulation and deceit, but came out on top with one of the most green flags I’ve ever seen in the history of forever, because they were honest with each other and communicated with each other. I think they solve their problems through sex a little too much, they came together in the end. Kyle is a sweetie, and his brother is crazy, I have to admit that illyan’s dad was kinda hot and James Moore deserve nothing less than dirt for the fact that he had a baddie known as Helen and did not deserve that. I did wish to see you some Helen side story just because I want her to be a lesbian but aside from the 10 out of 10 good manga
Private Scandal