Devil Returns To School Days
S2 C76 / C76+ = N? / N203 | | | S | : Bullying, Violence | MC ML is tossed off the school roof and into a 10-year coma, and when he regresses to the day it all began, he takes up a crusade of revenge | S | Vibrant, driven & ruthless | A | P v S | Regression, Corruption, Revenge, Fight-the-Bully | S | S + A ✍ + S |
Weak Hero
| : Bullying, violence, awful ending, stop at 255. | | 4 | 4 | 4 | 0 In a school no better than a jungle, MC ML enters freshman year. With his small size, pretty face, and fragile demeanor, he might look like every bully's next target... but it doesn't take even a single day for him to prove predators come in many forms, and the most delicate may just be the most brutal of them all.
Ijimeru Aitsu ga Waruinoka, Ijimerareta Boku ga Waruinoka?