Room to Room
Very cute, with a flat and predictable plot, an obvious happy ending, but after all is well-drawn and the script in fairly well written. The characters are truly stereotyped but they are functional to the storyline. The sex scenes are not obnoxiously shown off, although these are explicit, but are genuine and graphically well-executed.
Saha (Lee Uin)
I have really loved this Manhwa, it is really intricate and (spoiler) there is no a happy ending. Someone could have been, or could be, annoyed by the ending, as I was at the first moment, because I have had a misinterpretation of the ending, that in my opinion was "too fast" or "incomprehensible", but, when I thought of it with could mind, happen that I understood what was the significance of the final. In fact, there is not an "only interpretation" of the ending, in my opinion, but with the one I have "taken" I am happy! Anyway the plot begins simple to get more and more complicate, and fascinating; the graphic is incredibly wonderful, although there are some censure that are, not only obnoxious, but also messy and annoying; the characterization is deeply psychological. At conclusion the script is well written, and also with the translation the concept arrives straight.
Kiraide Isasete
I have read this, although I am not a huge fan of omegaverse, and I found it really cute. There is a little bit of angst, a "little bit" of sex a lot of feelings. Easy to read, sweet talking, soulmate, happy ending: these are the only things I have to say about the plot, there is not so much to talk about. Good graphics and storyline well-constructed.
If You Hate Me So
It is not so memorable, although it is cute and well-written. The storyline is a little bit flat and predictable, indeed there is a good characterization and a good psychological investigation. Sex scenes are not obnoxious or annoying, in reality these are almost tastefull, with the right amot of "dirty". I like this kind of graphic, but I think there are so much more good manhwa in this site about the graphic, but also about the plot, in fact it is not so innovative or good, but it is okay if you have nothing to read.
Nessa No Kusari
Really beautiful collection of short stories: usually when I read a collection of short stories I get bored because often they are all the same, but these are quite original! Moreover I love the setting and I really like the script. Is based on beautiful drawings, although these are very old-stylish; The sex scenes are, obviously, a lot, but are not very esplicite or annoying, in fact they are truly tasteful and sweet, also the rape scenes are not obnoxious.
Kichiku, Encount
Little yaoi with flat plot and a weak storyline, almost a PWP (Porn Without Plot), cute, nothing else. Plan and flat art, very old-stylish, not very clean. Inconsistent script, but it is functional to the manga. Very similar to a lot of this kind of manga. Sex scenes are truly esplicite, but not annoying.
Beauty and the beast
Pratically this manga is exactly the same story of the tale "the beauty and the beast" with a comical twist. The drawings are truly adorable and it is really old-stylish. How I have already labeled there is a single scene of "animal sex", but it is censured, and it plays on the "funny" side. It is a cute manga, also very sweet, and, also without sex scenes esplicite, it result almost erotic.
Boku no Danna-sama
I don't really know why I have read this, but, actually, it is really a cute manga. Yes it is a little bit kinky, but I can see a sort of a plot and non incoherence, and I have to admit that the drawings are really on point. At the end It is a cute yaoi, that pretends to be, maybe, more than it is, but you can always appreciate it for the easy storyline and for the "kinky" sex scenes, that are not obnoxious.
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