Lip Smoke
I really enjoy the story. It was mature, and I loved how the girl was so assertive! Usually it's just those cute girls who are shy but it was a fantastic change. I loved how Seta san knew he shouldn't, tried to refrain, but eventually caved into true love and not simply lust like an old perverted man. haha
Merry Checker
Taiyou No Ie
I absolutely enjoyed it. The hardships each person went through, the innocent and pure love that slowly blossomed. It really had my heart flutter. It's a manga, I know, but regardless, I wish Mao and Hiro happiness, and I wish that Daiki finds someone he loves. Just like what Mao had said, he's a really sweet guy despite being too blunt and sometimes mean. I really, really enjoyed it.
Wild Ones
It's quite a funny manga. The story certainly doesn't depict the life of a true yakuza, because this family is very friendly and giving. The only mean part is when they give a scary expression but that's it. They're sweethearts. The story however, could use a little more drama, I thought it was really light hearted, so if that's the goal then I suppose the author did a good job. However, because there were drama and hardships in the manga, I thought those could have been better presented. It didn't show how emotional and tragic those circumstances truly, just a glimpse of its true nature. So those parts were taken rather for granted and not given enough depth, which could have enhanced and engaged the reader more. If I could give a 4.5, I'd give that. But because there isn't, I suppose I'll lean towards 5, since 4 seems a little too unfair.
Ouji No Hakoniwa
I like it. I normally don't like short stories, because usually the main one, or only a select few are good out of the batch. I'm surprised I liked both! I wish the story was longer for both of the short stories to allow further character development.
Nekoka Kareshi No Ayashikata
Hima na no de Hajimete Mimasu.
The story was cute, the characters were cute and the sex scene was hot.
Ai no Konseki - Yajuu Gunsou to Aigan Guni
Some intense scenes. Story was ok.
Aigan Shounen
Story about a boy falling for a baron at first sight. Was later sold to the baron many years later by his very own parents. The very same boy tries to convince the baron on the existence of love even though the baron cruelly "tortures" him. Good read. I hope Godo finds someone else.
Koujitsuei no Tobira