Yareru Monnara Haramasete Miyagare - Yankee x Omegaverse
feminine uke
Kizutsuite Romance
the dude with the piercings is top and the second couple was conventional af abe akane why have you forsaken me
Our Addictive Carnal Games
this was terrible. an underage kid aggressively stalks and assaults his playboy older man-loving high school teacher and the teacher stockholms himself into a relationship with him. there's a lot of stuff to unravel there, but the author didn't care, so should i?
I Want to Spoil Ikurou-san
this is someone else's cup of tea. i love gap moes esp when it comes to really tough-looking dudes that end up being the uke. i love it when they love cute things. i don't love it when they're pushovers, which unfortunately seems to be the case here.
The Woodsman and the Stag
mature version on other platforms this is one of the most disappointing stories i've ever come across, mostly bc the art looks so freaking gorgeous but the story and mc is such trash and there's no growth arcs to make it more palatable.
New Romance
same energy as a porno where a housewife invites a repairman over and it suddenly cuts to underwear on the floor. tell me i'm wrong.
Epitaph (Perfume)
ditched @12 wot, abandoning even tho there's a dark skin beefy looking uke? i couldn't take caleb's doormat personality. the story didn't have any sort of development. it seemed that all the characters were aimless and there weren't any points of progress at all. i spoiled the ending for myself and got upset that lou's dad was so stupid and short-sighted that he perpetrated the extinction of humanity for the lolz. the twist didn't even seem shocking bc his dad seemed like a turd from the very beginning. it just seemed like the creator cobbled all the elements they wanted without any regard for how it would actually turn out. if it's a tragedy, make the payoff worth it. it's too bad bc the cover art looked so good and the premise seemed interesante.
Taming the Tiger
i'm at the point where bwat's works all seem really superficial. the dialogue and characterization is so boring even the sex can't make up for it. still sticking with foul play and dear zero for now, but they're not looking promising either.
Love on My Terms
i loved mogyun's character design and the cover art. the plot itself had potential? but the execution was ass! the idea of someone acting violently out of jealousy and immaturity, and having a problematic pattern of behavior well into adulthood is fine. a whodunnit is fine. the mind-reading felt like a cheap party trick and the story could have worked out without it. it was a super flimsy way to bring chamin and mogyun "together". none of the characters were particularly likeable. i actually really dislike chamin. usually if the main couple's story didn't work out i'd get invested in the side couple. didn't happen here. this gets an extra star bc i thought some scenes in the beginning were spicy. is this worse than a story that feels mundane with lackluster dialogue? no. but my feelings about all the characters were strong enough to make this overall story a boo for me.
Make Love First Time in 8 Years