A Tree Without Roots
this is so good. the author did a really good job at giving the readers a glimpse into heeseo so even if his actions are unhinged they're not coming from a de facto psychopath stance like so many other stories. it also has an actual plot. it's a mystery!
Sunnyside Daycare Classmates
zany and surreal, with an element of horror added for good measure. the author did an incredible job surprising me as a reader, from the title of the story to the bright and colorful palette of the paneling to how the world and characters are introduced. i really thought this was gonna be straight up crack but it's actually pretty dark and depressing. it's got action, plot, and world building, and while following along with the story felt like a wild ride, it was fitting bc that really felt like the intention.
Dawn of the Dragon
accidentally started rereading it and i like it more than i did before so far
Mad Dog
pretty enjoyable for the most part! sehyeok has a bit of an unhinged yandere thing going on that is actually creepy, but he's playful and that changes the tone of the story enough to make it fun to see his interactions with hamin. hamin has a strong sense of agency and it was great to see someone with the lesser power dynamic make things work on his own terms without becoming feminized. a lot of ppl discussed their disappointment with the side stories and after thinking for a bit i think i'm disappointed too bc sehyeok gave a pretty good effort in the main story to be respectful of boundaries just to throw it out the window here. i wonder if they'll talk about it.
a bit truman show-esque. i wonder what time period this is actually in or if it’s a parallel universe bc the idea of how human a person is after replacing organs is so foreign to me. dude got to keep his brain so ??? also struggling with the idea of hygieia itself, was the entire backstory just a way from the villagers to keep him from getting suspicious? lots of ideas introduced but it's too bad it's too short for a follow-thru. the atmosphere makes up for it tho
@91 (??) they say taeui's intuitive but sometimes he's dumb af. i kinda wanna read the novel bc it seems there's nuances that don't carry over to the manhwa.
Codename Anastasia