Lucky Paradise
Recommended by astroooo End of ch 119 End of side ch 123
The Third Ending
End of series ch 67 End of side 5 End of special 4 Hehehe this was so cute and love it all of it recommended by ananbrooo
I Was Just Having Fun With The Time Limit
End of ch 35
Nagahama to Be, or Not to Be
Recommend by ananbro End of series ch 7.5
Limited Run
End of series ch 81 End of special ch 87 I wish there wasbmoreb of their regular life as specials please I'm sad this damn rollercoaster of a ride it was a struggle to read in the beginning but then but then seeing the growth of characters
Double Trap
End of series ch 75 End of side story ch 100 Whew def a rollercoaster but second couple
The Origin of Species
End of ch 80 Fuck me bro this was so dkahfkahdhs I loved it I love how sweet and endearing president seo is with our babyyy youngjin like please it was love at first sight
Ore no Sekai o Hakai Suru Otoko
End of ch 5.5 It was aight ;;
Smyrna & Capri