Lil Miss Otaku's manga / #beta(1)

Kurui Naku no wa Boku no Ban Beta

Complete | Kusabi Keri | 2016 released
2024-02-21 05:36 marked

Trigger warning Liked this pairing a lot, & enjoyed this story more overall (it was nive to see the peacful relationship of the first paring in this). Overall though, a lot of angst and pair. This story was really frustrating at times, but it really played into the gender inequality that is at the heart of omegaverse. Loved that the final pairing was Beta x Omega regardless of the pain they went through. The borderline immediately incest for that other guy was a bit weird. I feel like the message was to compare the treatment between the 2 twins, which I'm all for, but then went he went on about pairing with his twin? Idk man, that was a little too much (the original message was shadowed by the implied incest). Granted, I probably was reading too much into it. I do want to see a resolution with that story, but I doubt we'll get one. Regardless, a solid read if you done mind smit & want PAIN (with a happy end)