Honto Yajuu
I WISH THIS MANGA WILL NEVER COME TO AN END ..... THIS IS THE CUTEST MANGA EVER! please update faster...... i'm dying to know what happened next..haha, #yaoiaddict
Ten Count
Shirotani's moe and Kurose-kun just speaking WORDS, can make me more pregnant than the reproduction of your average grass ..kyaaaaa~~ :D i can say so many things right now, like Kurose-kun is 10x's more SEXY in color or how Shirotani's moe makes my heart go doki-doki but for now all i can say : iM SO HAPPY TO BE ALiVE RiGHT NOW KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH~~ !! *goes into cardiac arrest* :D OMFG!! AAARRGHHH!! iTS ALWAYS LOVEY DOVEY AND THEN THE CLiMAX AND THEN BOOM!! CLiFFHANGER! ARE YOU FUCKiNG KiDDiNG ME!? HAHAH NEXT CHAPTER PLEASE !!! :D
Koi made Hyakurin
So lovable couple ..
Bokura No Negai
Please update it fast .. This story was so pretty adorable, i love all the pairing of the character. That was so damn good.. Please, please, please .. UPDATE it ..
Kakugo wo Kimete
please update, i think this story was amazing .. so why not yet UPDATED ..
Junjou Romantica