Harapeko Usagi To Koisuru Ookami
I want more of this ~kyaaaa .. so cute
Kokoro (kanda neko)
One of the cutest YAOi manga story i've ever read .... Worth wasting my time Love it!!!
Ten Count
Shirotani's moe and Kurose-kun just speaking WORDS, can make me more pregnant than the reproduction of your average grass ..kyaaaaa~~ :D i can say so many things right now, like Kurose-kun is 10x's more SEXY in color or how Shirotani's moe makes my heart go doki-doki but for now all i can say : iM SO HAPPY TO BE ALiVE RiGHT NOW KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH~~ !! *goes into cardiac arrest* :D OMFG!! AAARRGHHH!! iTS ALWAYS LOVEY DOVEY AND THEN THE CLiMAX AND THEN BOOM!! CLiFFHANGER! ARE YOU FUCKiNG KiDDiNG ME!? HAHAH NEXT CHAPTER PLEASE !!! :D
Bokura No Negai
Please update it fast .. This story was so pretty adorable, i love all the pairing of the character. That was so damn good.. Please, please, please .. UPDATE it ..
Ore Ni Koi Shite Dousunda
hell no!!!!! why there is no update yet? Oh please, now.. For the sake of your fans and readers ..
Junjou Romantica