Limited Run
This MC was everything to me! I loved him!
Our Future (Cheok Kong)
I liked it, it had a really good healing message, and the romance made me happy. The art was gorgeous.
Pearl Boy
This is hands down amazing. The level of dark, the level of love, the level of gorgeous art. I couldn't get enough! I understood both our main characters and why they did what they did. I loved how dark this dared to go, yet how happy it made my heart.
Cover Up
The art was gorgeous, the story was interesting. The ex showed a lot of character depth, and what he chose to do was pretty interesting. Sometimes people that do wrong things, can change their ways. It felt like too easy of a story, although it was a good one. It felt like eating a slice of cake, satisfying but temporary.
Body Complex
It was a great idea but I wanted more. Maybe just a bit more daddy conflict to make the solution a bit more satisfying. But it did have a great ending.
On Air (Yeongha & Joo Hwan)
Assorted Wildness
I don't know if I'll ever find a better uke!! And both characters felt so fleshed out and fun!!
Santa (Taeyangshin)