Totally Captivated
THE MANWHA EVER!!! ♡〜٩(^▿^)۶〜♡ i may be the only one who enjoyed the book version more than the digital one?? i know it’s harder to read but i found the story better!!! these two will never fall making me laugh no matter what!!! (♡ >ω< ♡) such a classic must read!!
The Black Beast and the Night Flower
waiting for more!!! i like the dynamic so much…feels original!! ლ(- ◡ -ლ)
Bi no Isu
these were really good!! all of them…even though the semes are pretty shaky…as long as everything ends up well (☆^O^☆) and damn the possessiveness of the first seme!! not to mention how hot is he, and the others too (°ω° )/ really smutty and smoking hot!!!
Syunrai to Mitsu
i’m so glad they got revenge!!!!! (☆^O^☆) and also their family is so cute!^^ the emotional support yan gave yuen all those years…making him safe even after everything he went through made by that monster…i’m really really happy with this ending!!!! “ヽ(´▽`)ノ” and the matching outfit XD…
Tokyo Yabanjin
this is definitely dropped……. (●´艸`)ヾ and the last chapter is rape too, i wish i could see them loving each other or the uke safe one day……it has so much potential + amazing art (╥_╥)
i’m pretty surprised that they’re adults involved in adult jobs…the art style is unique tho!!!! interesting if the story would be a little longer!! \(^o^)/
Sex at the Ends of the Earth
i’m so so happy for their relationship!! it turned out so well and had such a good ending!!! i’m happy there wasn’t any rape, and the seme actually payed ukes debt!!! (⺣◡⺣)♡* they’re both idiotic and fucking handsome!!! i’m wishing for a sequel!!! O(≧∇≦)O
Inu to Abazure
pretty confusing and weird with all of those ugly mobs………at least there were dick faces, which is the only thing that got my attention while reading this!!!!!……….…. \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/
Yuigonjou Yori Ai Wo Komete
ANOTHER DROPPED MASTERPIECE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( ຈ ﹏ ຈ ) awwwwww how sweet these two are!!!!!!! my heart is melting every time i see them interact, just the thought of knowing and viewing that they live together and are dating is just too adorable!!!!!!! (☆^O^☆) right now i can only have a wish for this to get any updates…( /)u( )