Koyoi wa Kimi to Chi no Kisu
all the semes from this manga made me feel so…(〃艸〃)
the art is so majestic i love it so muuchh♡(.◜ω◝.)♡
Kohitsuji Project
wish that i could live in this manga~ ^^
how i wish i were in a relationship with a vampire ♡ ~('▽^人)
there is so much action…at some point you lose yourself in the plot (@◇@)yet every story had it part of intimacy and cuteness which made the manga better^^
Kyuuketsuki ha shinzo no yume wo miru
really dramatic and sad at some point…i thought it won’t end well…i’m actually happy to see them together anyway ^^
Hana to Junketsu
why is everyone so good looking in this manga??(♡ >ω< ♡) i feel in love with their relationship, is so romantic and erotic and the seme actually reminds me of a real vampire (also the uke is a cutie i wanna squish him so bad (∩˃o˂∩)♡)
Babang Babangbang Vampire
this is working into an anime???? wow!!! that’s so cool! ⋋╏ ヘ ⌂ ヘ ╏⋌ so far the manga looks amazing!! i really do love to see some more bls with shounen and comedy vibes like this one!!! i’m truly excited for the next chapters!! (灬ω灬)
Hakushi no Tsukurishi Inu