Shibatte mo te ni iretai
i’ve read similar stories like this one but…they had a better ending :(
Sigh's Kiss
this is a MUST read if you want a realistic yet sweet with no rape or abuse relationship love triangle^^
Yuuwaku (takamiya Azuma)
oh really? :( i know that its only an one shot but…not this short
Baka ni Koi toka Shoujiki Muri ja ne?
this really is the ultimate COMEDY YAOI XD i still find myself wanting for more chapters…we need more yaoi gyaruos ^^
i’ll wait for the next chapter…maybe things might change between their relationship
Himitsu nanda kedo
if this only had more chapters…@_@
Daisuki dakara Ijimetai!
it’s actually pretty rare when i find a multi stories manga when all couples are enjoyable and sweet to each other^^
Leave Your Marks on My Back
definitely too much drama and unrequited love…@__@ i honestly thought it won’t end well…
Fair Play Fair Lover
good start! waiting for the smut this one will give us!!! ლ(- ◡ -ლ)
Renai Fuyuki Todoki