Sugar Dark
if the first story wasn’t dubcon maybe i would’ve gave it five stars…still a good manga but i won’t re read it
Caste Heaven
i literally loved the dark humor this series had!! (→o←)honestly a better ending than this couldn’t be happening!!! i’m happy for all four of them!!! (ゝω´・)b⌒☆ i’m so so glad that KariAzu is back and together in the end, they both had such a long time and got through a lot of shit, i sometimes wanted their relationship to be smooth like KuzeAtsu…but that angst was worth it, really really good and it good actually pretty emotional at the last chapters….not to mention how great the chapters were when it was focused on atsumu and kuze, their relationship is just so worth it…seeing them together until the end was so worth the reading!!! (ฅ’ω’ฅ) would’ve loved this to be so much longer since i feel like of sad that i’ve finished it, but i had such a great (to say) time with them!!! ☆*・゜゚・*(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆
Tenkousei (nakamura Asumiko)
im glad that teacher got what he deserved, it actually wasn’t the ukes fault for him being a predator 凸(¬‿¬) i like the ending, this one shot was super satisfying, those bras are so beautiful too!!! σ( ̄、 ̄〃)
Sasayaku no wa Sono Yubi
kind of a weak plot, it should’ve been so much better if the uke wasn’t that stupid and maybe if the seme would’ve actually done all of that crazy stuff, maybe the manga would’ve been more memorable if it was actually twisted, but ok @.@
Koyoi wa Kimi to Chi no Kisu