Immoral Sandwich
why is it so SHORT!!…i need more (▼へ▼メ)
Kubisuji ni Toga no Kamikizu
a bit confusing…yet i’m waiting for more x ω x
Haga-kun wa Kamaretai
was good but…it didn’t felt like a normal prison atmosphere…i know it’s omegaverse but still….
Rakka no Alpha Ou
this actually grown in me while reading it (^ω^)
Ai to Makoto (Moriyo)
it ended better than i expected (ノ´∀`*)ノ honestly all pairs you can make from there are cute…even the incest ones^^
In the Cage
the plot is pretty good along with the art…not the best but also not the worst^^
looks like there are missing chapters ( ຈ ﹏ ຈ ) wow the forth and seventh stories were really cruel…i kind of wanted them to be a little longer, they’re interesting at the same time ⋋╏ ヘ ⌂ ヘ ╏⋌
5 Seconds
hmmm…really amazing plot for the first chapter!! wow how interesting that story was!! (´・` )♡ indeed chapter 3 and 5 are really fucked up…in my opinion, chapter 5 should’ve gotten a continuation, even though it wouldn’t end up well and everything will be depressing…i want to feel that atmosphere, that dark “childhood friends” plot i’ve never seen!! (^ω^)
Youchina Koi O Dou Shiyou
i want more of wet hair takagi!! he looks cuter like this!!! i mean they both are!! (≧∇≦)/ like hiroto is such an adorable little guy!!! his body didn’t deserved to be touched by that rapist!! i’m happy his now together and living his best moments together with takagi!! (´ω`♡%)
Ore no Kirai na Tsugaisama