Hydra Dj - Kiss After
Tokushu Ninmu
fuck that mob…he ruined the whole story
Age Called Blue
some parts were hard to understand…i mostly got only the first story then it became pretty confusing @_@ although i enjoyed the art
Love Song (yamagata Satomi)
everything looked well in the beginning…i don’t know why it ended up like that. kinda disappointed but mehh @__@ bonus stars only for the amazing art style
Bed Room Tour
chapter 4 is truly a mystery…i wonder how it will end, will sensei lose his job, revenge or start to avoid the uke??? i’m curious Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ for chapter 5 (the flower one) i wish there was flower insertion…im happy that it at least had urethral insertion, but i still think that there should’ve been something special (since is floral themed) (ゝω´・)b⌒☆
Nure Nezumi-tachi no Koi
as bad as the side couple was…honestly it was satisfying to finish it! i mean, im happy yoshi didn’t suffer because that ass nurse guy stole the chance of him being together with the teacher, that part where he couldn’t do anything but masturbate on those two was honestly sad (/□\*)・゜also those moments when he’s completely broken because his first “lover” was stolen…i’m so glad ryo came to his life, that they romanced and yoshi could let the teacher fuck off his life!! 凸(¬‿¬)
Close your eyes