Tear Drop
all stories were so good…probably the only thing that could’ve made them a lot better was if all stories were a little longer…like 2-3 chaps per story…i want more of the last two couples
Koujitsuei no Tobira
ultimate tearjerker (> <。) i had a really bad feeling that it won’t end well
this is really something different from the fluff side of yaoi we know
Koi da Ai da wa Sateoite
haha i never knew that i would enjoy their dynamic so much XD
Canvas Ni Kuchizuke O
what?? why is the first story so goood (∩˃o˂∩)♡ it’s not enough i need absolutely more of them <3 i find the paint fetish really erotic and underrated…which more mangas should introduce this kind of play^^
Leave Your Marks on My Back
definitely too much drama and unrequited love…@__@ i honestly thought it won’t end well…
Haikei, Niisan-sama
i simply can’t believe why an incest age gap manga made me so emotional. they truly make a cute couple…even platonic even romantically (つ﹏⊂)
a lot of things happen in this manga…fucked us all, right? although is could’ve been better if there were more romantic moments…the relationship kinda lacks at this part before the last chapter…wish it was more centred on their love story than a lot of drama :( anyway i enjoyed it like this too. the art style is phenomenal and the plot is solid and good
Kenban no Ue no Caress
what a good manga i’ve gotten in! ^.^ not to mention that i love so much when the uke is the teacher and the student is the seme >.<…their love story is so angelic and i love the theme of classic musicians. Such a treasure of a manga! ^^
Kyuuketsuki ha shinzo no yume wo miru