Tenshi wo Otose
not that much of a plot…pretty much smut but that’s not a problem^.^…i liked the third couple the most
Touch Blue
simple, short and amazing ^.^
Libertine Life
tell me a better life other than living together with your loved one in an apartment accompanied by your pet^^
Non Tea Room
i can’t explain how much i enjoyed reading this…first the AMAZING beautiful art style that gave me a vibe of the early 00s and the friendships of younger adults and youth times…then THE STORIES being unique and interesting with little to no sly or annoying characters..this is definitely a piece of art and a manga i recommend others to read too!
Last Portrait
this was so beautiful…wish that i could read it again for the first time^^
Nightmare Fortress
what a long journey of……sex!!! (>w< )i love unserious mangas like this one…centred only for the smut but also having a simple plot with beautiful characters. Fritz is just soo hot i just couldn’t stop staring at him and his beautifulness (dick and pubes too XD) please someone update this !! it’s not enough of how much we have right now (#^ω^)
Power Game
it kind of made me feel sad…of course i still enjoyed it but i hoped it would’ve been written better :(
24 Jikan Eigyouchuu