Shisei no Otoko
i love how original all of these stories are…however, i’m sad…really sad of almost how all of them ended 。゚(TヮT)゚。 all of that cop stuff was extremely interesting for me…and i like how some of these stories are connected. I wish for a continuation of the chap 1 and 3…that would be really amazing, along with the unique and beautiful artstyle (┳◇┳)
this was so sad….kaoru better deserve his best life sooner…he went through a lot of fucked up stuff, i want to see him happy…even a proper lover, confess and living his best life ヽ(´・`)ノ
Toro Ketsu o Oishiku Itadaku Shitagoshirae
THAT SEME IS INSANE!!! well hot too…!!!!!! (⺣◡⺣)♡* this whole thing was pretty turning on!!!! ^.^ even with the bad/weird/unnatural proportions!!
another good one shot that could’ve gotten more chapter and become at least a 5 chapter manga!! (づ-̩̩̩-̩̩̩_-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)づ like the whole action went so fast…but at least i’m happy (to say) that the seme left the uke (who knows, maybe he’ll heal one day and go to therapy after all of that trauma??? with this past lover (also find someone who can truly love and support him) ヽ(^o^)丿
Guinea Pig Doesn't Dream of Outside the Prison
i’m so so so excited for updates!!!! this looks mega promising!!!!! such a new and interesting plot!!! i love how dark is from only the first chapter!!!! i need to know more about hayato and how will his relationship develop with nagisa…will he get pregnant?!! i want to see it alreadddyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please please update!!! ☆*・゜゚・*(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆
Killing Stalking
i mean yeah…expected ending, the truth hurt so much…not really that disturbing as i thought, pretty manageable to read…psychological saying, it was pretty a bomb, no wonder how this was traumatising for most people back then
Haikei Pass / Jougi
only TWO chapters???? damnn i need moreee!! (/ε\*) bad that i say this, but that shoe licking scene was so so hot!! i like their hateful relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ゜・(x ω x)・゜。
Nemureru Hiru wa, Kimi no Shita
okay and…not that okay…i’m fine with their sweet moments etc…but, aside from the rape that is generally not okay, why did the uncle watched them having sex and just commenting something like “this is how they like to play”…also the underage sex..(> <。)
Kusatta Rasen
this one shot made me realise i actually love the son x father dynamic in yaoi…actually, only the fucked up ones…(;゚∀゚)=3 i ADORE how uncomfortable this makes you feel while and after you read it…FUCKING OGAWA CHISE ON TOP!!!o(^▽^)o
Samenai Yume