cupcutecake's manga / #Bondage(7)

Amai Hari

Ongoing | meiji kanako | 1999 released

just rape…maybe it will turn to love…maybe…but i don’t think so

Boku No Kawaii Hito Dakara

Complete | Minami Megumu | 2003 released

yuuri, the uke ever!! ヾ(@† ▽ †@)ノ i didn’t really caught everything that happened here…just staring at him submitting !! ヽ(╯▽╰)ノ ohh…how i wish this manga was more detailed and easy to understand without the confusing love triangles ∑(⌒◇⌒;)


Complete | Watanabe Asia | 2007 released

i need moreee!!! (^v^)i simply adore how good kii chan hair looks…in all of these three chapters!! \(^o^)/ would love to see him fuck shiro…but i’m satisfied with seeing him getting fucked too!!!! ^^ both are such idiots, so it pretty the same!! ♪(゚▽^*)ノ⌒☆

Yakuza wo Shibatte Ii desu ka

Complete | suji | 2019 released

really interesting plot and well done!! (♡ >ω< ♡) actually seeing a seme being tied up is pretty unique…i like how erotic and how much shibari was in this manga!!! ^^ love them!! (/∇\*)。o○♡


Complete | Zaria | 2008 released

the waist and the cocks omggggg!!!!!! how could this be so short???? 。゚(゚ノД`゚)゚。