fuck this it was amazing smut and all done right and hot >_<
OH GOD….why it should’ve been censored…i wanna see hanas asshole >~<
Youkubari wa Dame na no
i need moreeee!!! awww they’re so cuteee!!! =。:.゚٩(๑>ω<๑)۶:.。+゚
Tsumibito no Kiss
i was wondering while reading the other stories where the prison one starts…while reading i pretty enjoyed it, but the fact that the uke is 14 kinda sadness me….i wanted him to be legal and have hardcore sex with louis (like the first scene but being dubcon) (> <。) the other stories are really good too!!! i love the first one the most!! (→o←)
Slammer Dogs
i’m extremely happy that this manhwa gets frequent updates!! like this is one of the best 3p/love triangle i’ve ever seen!! (/∇\*)。o○♡ why can’t they end up in a polyamory relationship even tho the bros hate each other…at least a superficial relationship for them…BUT I NEED TO SEE JINGI TOUNGE LIKING HYUNG AND SPITTING IN EACH OTHERS FACES WHILE SANDWITHCHING MYEONG!!! =。:.゚٩(๑>ω<๑)۶:.。+゚
Cum to My Birthday Party!
so yummy!!!! no way this was actually good!!! (`・д´・ゞ)-☆
How to Consecrate a Friend
looks literally so interesting~!! ^^
Our little and cute honey
cheering for the sandwich and not an usual train!!! =。:.゚٩(๑>ω<๑)۶:.。+゚
Perfect Connection
wow that was so bad…i need more of it tho!! \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/ cute uke!!! i wish he could speak more and stand out for himself, whatever..if that’s his choice..Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ