Childhood Friend Complex (Eunhi)
real messy, lota miscommunication, misunderstandings, but kinda cute still. I'm damn tired of this bullshit idk, maybe I'll pick it up after it's progresses some more
Nagahama to Be, or Not to Be
Actually young love, fam it's quite wholesome
Can't Think Straight
NAH UH READ HALF OF THE FIRST CH, FUCK NO, NEVER EVER IN MY LIFE That's what I wrote just a few minutes before I decided to just yolo, my god, there's so much going on but I'm patiently waiting for updates:) that's what I wrote, now Idk anymore. Too much going on and it's kinda going off track in an annoying way
At the End of the Road
read it years ago so I'll need a re-read session with this one. The session is officially completed and I must say it was not what I had expected. It was quite literally an annoying read. Many questions left unsolved and threads left loose. No real closure or justice served at all, which in this case I believe was a must. No likable characters aside from the "real" main character. Incomplete ending. I'll also add that the wording of dialogs and what not was questionable and confusing even. The problem could lie with the author or just simply the shitty translation.
summer season