MC is a darling. Love girls with short hair. Funny as fuck too + junji ito references ! Ngl the love interest pisses me off with how weird and pervy he is, I guess he’s cooler near the end. He is quite attractive though, only read it cuz he looked fine in the cover. He’s funny too when the humor doesn’t revolve around his low key rapey tendencies… also MC’s older sister is a pedophile teacher who dates MC’s classmate (Its romanticized) and it actually is major to the plot bruh WTF. Other than that MC and Loge interest are super cute and attractive together!
Imouto no Ane
Kind of weird but also kind of wholesome I guess. Kind of feels like a barely hidden siscon fetish . Maybe it’s my westerized puritanical culture leaking out… definitely beautiful though
Pink Heart Jam
Finally found where the aesthetic manga guy is from. Love u beautiful dude
Itsuka koi ni naru made