Koi to wa Baka de Aru Koto da
Surprisingly good and hella realistic! Made me die a little as some parts, but it’s pretty open-minded about different personalities and relationships. I like it more than the basic good boy falls shyly in love with another good boy or the wretched bully who has tormented their victim for a decade was acc doing it cuz they were in love trope. (Okay, the second side manga was literally that though and it totally pissed me off). You get mad at the characters but you also have a soft spot for them, I’m sure if the stories had their own series they would be a lot more fleshed out— the author is very talented at conveying this with so few pages! This isn’t for anyone, and that’s totally okay! I don’t even like the characters *that much* i just really appreciate the refreshing storytelling and the art.
Paripi -Party ☆ People-