Minmotion Syndrome
this one is really good from what I remember we have a powerful uke and that's amazing. I'm going to read it another time
Lost in the Cloud
ABSOLUTELY AMAZING AAAAAH mc is taking pictures of his crush and seme finds out both have a terrible past with trauma and all it's really intense and beautiful
Dark Heaven
ABSOLUTE MASTERCLASS OMGGGG I'M DEAD OF HAPPINESS LOL ONE OF MY PREF EVER so it's a beautiful story, with a lot of fucking plot twists and dramas. it's a childhood friends love and it's soooo amazing. the story is heartbreaking but also sweet af so that's just perfect omg and all the characters are very interesting and realistic. I loved it.
Royal Servant
seems really hot + FINISHED ALREADY
NEED TO READ (I already started I think but don't really remember) it's a classical and inevitable. really hard but interesting af
Interview with a Murderer
"they are both psycho and I love it" that's a comment that I found (and I'll love it too I'm sure). so it's psychological I think ? well there's nothing to say juste go read it lol
Timing (Hena & Mary Calmes)
so MC is a bit homophobic and he hate uke but plot twist they will end together lol
Missing Love