Tomodachi engagement
chptr. 15 chptr 21 na there were so many more chapters and we still didn’t progress that much, is it to kill me?
Game - Suit no Sukima
chptr. 14,5 // 23 août. 2019 chptr. 23
chptr. 50 I LOVE IIIIIT WOW chptr. 53 is it gonna have a back to school ending ?
chpte. 57 // welp im glad everything’s gonna be okay.. still i need an explanation for the past, did he love him from before ? if not why be kind and show special treatment since meeting again as his boss ? keep up keep up!! the art did « improve » but i kinda miss the old one :/ our seme was more handsome, just my opinion..
Isn't it good?
chptr. 49 .. i’d be mad too. why not be honest right from the start? you lied so much.. alright, the past is the past and you dont have to feel bad about past relationships, but when you lie about those it feels like you’re deceiving the other person no matter the reason why you’re doing it. was it important ? is something still going on somehow? even if none of those, the lie itself just hurts so bad. so i dont pity your situation nor do i want the light haired guy to forgive you easily. you even let them met and act as friends, you kept contact with him without your s/o knowing what your past relationship was and even lied about it. a really simple story with slow so kinda realistic progress about two friends who were in love with racheter other from a long time ago but only one was aware of it for those 10 whole years and are trying to see how their relationship will progress.
Omega Complex
chptr. 32 // it’s not angsty enough :/ kind of a shame
How To Talk to my Crush
ptdr bon, on commence où -c’est un stalker -le boug apprend qu’il se fait sûrement stalker et que la terciere personne est sûrement amoureuse de lui, développe des sentiments ??? de nulle part ??? 0 développement ni de rapprochement ??? rien du tout ??? mais ah il le force à se confesser, l’embrasse et ils ken tranquillou pipou sous quoi, 1 semaine ??? na zbi c’est quoi ça -tout était prétexte pour les rapprocher mais ya vraiment aucun sens à chacune des situations et résolutions se situations trop de trucs qui allaient pas et étaient juste vides, dcp je m’attarderais pas trop mais ouais, perte de temps incr en soit l’histoire était pas un vrai déchet ou un crève l’oeil mais c’était juste une si grosse coquille vide que j’en suis extrêmement déçue. l’art n’est pas mal et avec un peu d’effort et guidance l’histoire aurait pu.. mais bon l’histoire était vraiment d’avoir proche d’être
See You Never