We Are Not Friends
chptr. 18 // 07 avril. 2021 i put unrequited love on the tags however im sure it’s mutal~~~ but since red hair was probably in love since long before (sequel about blond dude friend) and blond dude is only starting to i think.. they still bicker like crazy and fight every two chapters but yea, the feelings are there (not really apparent tho) like a bit of jealousy here and there, concern and curiosity.. stuff like dat crazy thing is, even after chasing around him for so long and coming back after getting thrown off and rejected every time, red hair didn’t notice the nature of his feelings yet awkard and stupid bois
Sayonara Game (minaduki Yuu)
// COMPLETED // 5,6 // 18 mai. 2019 1 - Sayonara Game 2 - Change World (Direct Sequel to Sayonara Game) 3 - Love Nest (Spin off to Hozumi's own story; Arimura & Itou are side characters in this) 4 - Love Nest 2nd
Window to Window
COMPLETED // 41.5 // side4
Usagi no Mori
chptr. 5,5 // 2 jan. 2020 vol. 2 chptr. 11 right, shii didn’t have any obligation to wait and try to understand his best friend plus he’s only 14 years old so we can say that the hormones are taking over, that he’s not mature enough and is far from knowing something so complicated as to understand a trauma and try to cure it. But, it still made me disappointed.. i wanted him to stick to his bestfriend furthermore i really hate when the protagonists have sexual intercourses with third parties. i would have been fine if he did it while having in mind that he’ll try to give up on this "hopeless" love (bc the other really doesn’t seem in love with him to me) but it wasn’t the case, and even then the childhood friend would still be shaken up and- idk.. it just didn’t seat well with me k’ so i was wrong and since im a little bit more grownup now that when i wrote this ill [réctifier] we were showed shuu having sex as a 14 yo and in the current story he’s in highschool. it was actually a year before going out with tamaki, when tamaki had gotten himself a girlfriend juste before graduation. he was going to give up on his feelings and wanted to get with someone who looked like tamaki to get over it and satisfy his fantasies, wich isn’t something wrong or bad at all. unrequited love hurts this one lasted 8y pp are weird or immature for wanting him to stick to his feeling and staying innocent, nothing’s wrong with having urges also, we didn’t know it this soon in the story but tamaki wasn’t only repulsed by his mom’s behavior with her boyfriends and what they did, the mom is a psycho who tf treats her son as her man poor him, ofc he’s traumatised we didn’t know that he wasn’t asexual and that shuu’s pushiness was exactly what he needed im also happy for the little character development shuu had after analyzing the situation
Our Companionship
// COMPLETED // 45 // 26 avril. 2021
Dekoboko Sugar Days
// COMPLETED // 7 // 19 août. 2019 vol. 2 chprr. 0
Koufuku wa Kimi no Tonari ni
// COMPLETED // 5,5 // 11 mai. 2021
Koi ni Naru Mae ni
// COMPLETED // 5 // 14 mai. 2021 last two stories were my favorites, needed more of them !!!
Yankee Boy and Otaku Girl