For Your Love
my heaaaaaart .... annulation de la saison 2 + aucun petit side story... archi pas satisfaite gdksgdkd ya pleins de trucs à développer encore même si l’his est déjà considérée comme "longue" yohan a visiblement des problèmes à régler, il a sincèrement l’air en dépression sans cesse et a aucune confiance en lui tandis que je voulais voir [insert name] bcp plus fou de lui, désespéré par moment etc etc etc fin c’etait pas censé avoir une 2nd saison pour rien, c’est vraiment la pire des décisions que l’auteure aurait pu prendre lel je les aime beaucoup et ils meritent définitivement plus de developpment (T ^ T) + I NEED SMUTTY SCENES WAAA // COMPLETED // 85,6 // 12 décembre. 2020
Suki ni Nattara Dame desu ka?
// COMPLETED // 6 // 14 janvier. 2021
Hidoku Shinaide
vol. 9 chptr. 5 // 22 septembre. 2019 vol. 10 chptr. 2 yaas i want a little bit of *spice* thanks to that highschooler eheh
19 Days
TIMELINE « Chapters 22 - 50 are in the PRESENT TIME. Zhan Zheng Xi is in College and Jian Yi, who has been missing for 3 years, is now back and apparently living with him(?) as he makes up high school. The only background that we're given is that Jian Yi went missing the 2nd day of his and Zhan's first year of high school. Chapters 51+ are set in the PAST. They're a flashback to Zhan's and Jian Yi's third year of Middle School (yes they are 15 and middle schoolers so calm your horny down a notch lol). We see the build up of the friendship between the four boys and their individual relationships. Everything we're reading now is building up to their middle school graduation and eventually the day that Jian Yi disappears. EXCEPTIONS -- Some of the SPECIAL Chapters, such as Ch. 224 - The Christmas Special, are also set in the PRESENT. Which is why we see that the boys look a bit different, and in this specific chapter Jian Yi mentions that everyone else is in college but him (bc he has to make up high school).» chptr 325 fuck i love them they’re just too cute —— each time i read a few more chapters i want to add even more tags (*≧∀≦*) hetian calling mo 'darling' ┗( T﹏T )┛ And the fact that he isn't denying it chptr. 332 IM CRYYYING (T ^ T) now we can CLEARLY see lil mo affection for hetian, he doesn’t even refuse blatantly his advances and how we saw him break down when thinking that hetian died baaaaa (ToT) THE HUUUUUG MYHEART the details of this story that shows us everything about their relationship/intentions/and feelings i can only workship chptr. 333/334 what the FAWK- this screamed « fucking MINE. » energy HDKSHDKSHEKDB my pu**y and my tummy went 337 after those bomb chptrs we’re back to normal :( BRUH never guessed the older brother had his ship with the gray haired bodyguard (//∇//) imean, he could have done it bc he was jelly that HE was getting the girls but the guys’s reaction like « i kno u did this bc u persue/love him just like we’re doing » gives me the call vdkshd chptr. // 355 THE DEVELOPPMENT OMGGG— immaculate. little mo and he tian are my babies YEAAAAA YOU GO HUN GET’IM chptr 372 // im crying please may his situation get better i hope he’ll be able to handle it on his iwn like he wants to 396 // are we coming near the timelapse of 3y that we know will happen ? worried that lil mo will take what that teacher said to heart and distance himself from he tian chpre. 397 // SO U WONT DISTANCE YOURSELF BUT BE BETTER ??????!?! I LOVE THEEEEEEM 401 // fuck we’re almost at the moment where they separate right before going to highschool. i thought the blond fatherless one would be the only one disappearing, he tian baby :’( 406 410,5 // finally some back story!! AND A KISS HETIAN LIL MO HAAAAA 412 // ok we saw some foreshadowing of what’s going to hzppen some in the christmas bonus, what we basically already expect 457
Sora & Haena!
chptr. 16 // 26 février. 2021 you’re mire relaxed around boys bc you like her dummy ~~~ my heart go *^kyaa^* special 11 // wuuuuut just happeneeeeed rn it turned -8+ in a s. e. c. and fuck me if im complaining chptr. 18 // I ALWAYS LOVED THOSE TWOOO
Bending the Spoon
chptr. 5 // 27 février. 2021
chptr. 32,9 // 25 jan. 2020 chptr. 34 // why can’t i stop crying like a bitch ? chptr. 39 // you’ll never be able to stop that is, crying 44
Boys dormitory 303
chptr. 32 // 06 avril. 2021 only college friends messing around, no romance nor romantic feelings
Sono Koi ni wa Wake ga Aru