Tomodachi engagement
chptr. 15 chptr 21 na there were so many more chapters and we still didn’t progress that much, is it to kill me?
Isn't it good?
chptr. 49 .. i’d be mad too. why not be honest right from the start? you lied so much.. alright, the past is the past and you dont have to feel bad about past relationships, but when you lie about those it feels like you’re deceiving the other person no matter the reason why you’re doing it. was it important ? is something still going on somehow? even if none of those, the lie itself just hurts so bad. so i dont pity your situation nor do i want the light haired guy to forgive you easily. you even let them met and act as friends, you kept contact with him without your s/o knowing what your past relationship was and even lied about it. a really simple story with slow so kinda realistic progress about two friends who were in love with racheter other from a long time ago but only one was aware of it for those 10 whole years and are trying to see how their relationship will progress.
Tonari no Aki to wa Kakawaranai
chptr. 6 zbi c’est un shoujo, ils mettent 3 ans à être updaté
Bad Friend
chptr. 38 ok, since i think ill only reread when it’s finished let me recap -young dark haired was brought to light haired "village" and instruction structure as a kid, his past is datk and we dont know much about it excepte that his dad is looking for him and is someone bad and that his mom’s been killed. (-she is from the part of land that he was protecting) -the village was attacked when they were teens and they got separated, uke protected seme from an attack and seme thought he had died. -he lived in a cage for 10y preparing for revenge from the cult that attacked his village and killed everyone -out of the cage he joins a team of warriors as the son of the late leader of his clan (and the high lord seems to be maybe the seme’s dad? just an assumption) to discover that dark haired seme joined the clan that slaughtered his during the attack 10y ago -uke believes him when he says it was out of revenge bc he thought they had killed him(seme) and while cant say much, is on the good side -uke still feels guilty bc they are multiple deaths and as he knew the attacks and even schemed with seme, didn’t protect them and just straight out sent his companions to a certain death. -turns out the last attack didn’t actually kill his companions and the « red death »´s actually here to trade, but only through a talk with the "high leader"
Kimi wa Beta
chptr. 4,5
King's Maker Triple Crown: Mature Version
chptr. // for part. 2 of s. 2 i want more of the duke !! and our beauties krkr
Suki de Gomen