Blue! Blue! Blue! dj - After Story
Super Lovers
chptr. 38,5 // 8 nov. 2020 a lot to say but i don’t got the time nor the patience for it rn, maybe tomorow GIVE ME MORE OF NATSUO AND THE DOC PLZ this really feels like a yaoi/slice of life manga nothing’s rushes for the readers satisfaction, we really are following them at their own peace wich can make it feel slow from time to time and 10y for a manga is a lot but that’s how it is, and i kinda really like it >>> ren recovered some of his memories feom the orphanage, his relationship with haru doesn’t reach the endbase yet but they’re definitely closer, i want to keep following the journey of those pretty shamefull babies chptr. 43
Never Good Enough
chptr. 14,5 felt too little for it to be the end but oh well //// am curious about nick’s personality and intentions both from back then and for the present, also wished to see more of louis and theo as a couple
Kawaisugiru Danshi ga Ouchi de Matteimasu
chptr. 13
Kore de Saigo no Koi ni shitai
chptr. 5,5 2e histoire est meilleure
Blue! Blue! Blue!